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TEE #050 Crazy results in just 48 hours

business advice Mar 02, 2024
Crazy results in just 48 hours SJ Etsy Queen Sarah-Jane Lewis

Read time: 3 minutes

Over the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of speaking to many creative entrepreneurs looking to bring their businesses to the next level. A business couple that caught my attention was Sasha and Mel, who sell beautiful digital art on Etsy.


Eager Learners See Quick Results

What made Sasha and Mel stand out was their infectious passion for their Etsy shop and artistic talents. After implementing just a few key strategies from my Etsy Shop Blueprint course, they saw tremendous growth within 48 hours - doubling their shop views and visits!


Offering Ongoing Support to Motivated Store Owners

Sasha and Mel were thrilled by their rapid success. They quickly reached back out to me, eager to work together for the next 3 months so I can provide more tailored guidance as they scale their businesses. I am honoured by their commitment and excited to help such motivated entrepreneurs achieve their dreams.


The Key to Magnetic Businesses: Passion + Service

Running an engaging Etsy shop that draws in customers takes passion and a genuine desire to serve your audience. Sasha and Mel have this in spades, which makes their artistic products and stories magnetic to potential buyers. When you love what you do, it shows.


Investing in Your Etsy Shop's Future Success

Operating a rewarding, long-term creative business is totally possible with the right mindset. It starts with investment - in quality products, marketing, and your own growth as a business owner. What will you do today to set your Etsy shop up for future success?


Due to boring business stuff like, VAT and Taxes I am having to raise my prices, but if you want my support and help before the price increases check out my Etsy Shop Blueprint digital course and my 3 Month Business Mastermind.


If you're still looking for traction in your Etsy business, I'd recommend starting with one of the following:

1. → My Free Etsy WorkshopPerfect for you if you are just starting out on Etsy. Learn how you can turn your creative passions into cash to earn your first £1000 on Etsy.

2.   → Free Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own Successful Etsy Shop

3.  Join the SJ Etsy Queen Community:  Start your 14 Day Trial Today for Only a £1!

4.  → Access The Blueprint To A Successful Etsy Business:   Fast track your results to making more money on Etsy TODAY!


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