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Simon Squibb's £6,000 Surprise for Go Goosey: The Full Story

business advice podcast May 18, 2024

In the latest episode of The Crafty Entrepreneur, we delve into the entrepreneurial journey of Karen Burke, the founder of Go Goosey. Known for her viral moment with millionaire Simon Squibb, Karen’s story is one of innovation, persistence, and creativity. Grab a cup of tea and settle in to discover how Karen turned a common parenting frustration into a thriving business.


The Birth of Go Goosey: Solving a Common Problem

Karen Burke, a determined mother and creative thinker, founded Go Goosey to address a common parenting struggle: drying and dressing children after swimming. Go Goosey specialises in quick-drying, unisex onesies designed to make post-swimming routines easier for both parents and children. The idea was born out of Karen’s own experiences with her adopted daughter, Erica, who loved swimming but hated the cold, chaotic changing room process.


The Journey from Concept to Creation

Karen spent six years refining her idea, focusing on finding the perfect material that could dry quickly while keeping children warm. Inspired by quick-drying dog coats, she sourced a suitable fabric from the US and enlisted a local fashion student to help with the design. Despite having no fashion experience, Karen’s creative vision and determination led to the development of Go Goosey's first product.


Overcoming Challenges and Finding Support

Starting a business is never easy, and Karen faced her fair share of challenges. From high manufacturing costs to finding the right suppliers, she navigated each hurdle with resilience. She also sought help from various mentors and business coaches, who provided invaluable guidance and support. Karen’s story highlights the importance of asking for help and leveraging the expertise of others.


The Simon Squibb Surprise

Karen’s journey took a dramatic turn when Simon Squibb, a well-known millionaire, knocked on her door disguised as a Just Eat driver. Squibb, known for his philanthropic efforts, surprised Karen with £6,000 to support her business. This unexpected boost not only provided financial relief but also increased Go Goosey's visibility.


Expanding Horizons: New Products and Future Goals

Karen is now looking to expand Go Goosey’s product line to include quick-drying onesies for adults, targeting open water swimmers and triathletes. Her vision is to see her products used by athletes at the Olympics and other major sporting events. This diversification aims to tap into new markets and further establish Go Goosey as a leading brand in the quick-drying apparel space.


Key Takeaways for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Karen’s story offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs:

  1. Identify and Solve a Problem: Karen’s business was born out of a real need she experienced firsthand.
  2. Seek Support: Leveraging mentors and business coaches can provide critical guidance and accountability.
  3. Be Persistent: Success doesn’t happen overnight. Karen’s journey took years of dedication and resilience.
  4. Embrace Opportunities: Unexpected opportunities, like Karen’s encounter with Simon Squibb, can significantly impact your business.


Karen Burke’s journey with Go Goosey is a testament to the power of innovation, persistence, and community support. Her story encourages entrepreneurs to pursue their passions, seek help when needed, and remain resilient in the face of challenges. Tune into The Crafty Entrepreneur for the full episode and be inspired by Karen’s incredible journey.


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