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TEE #047 Saying Yes When It Feels Scary

mindset Feb 10, 2024
Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own Successful Etsy Business SJ Etsy Queen

Read time: 5 minutes

I was recently invited to be a guest lecturer at the prestigious Winchester School of Art to speak to graduate students about being an entrepreneur and the financial aspects such as cashflow, balances sheets etc. My first reaction was feeling deeply honoured they would consider me. My second reaction? Sheer terror.


Public speaking has always been one of my biggest fears. Even with my growing authority as the “SJ Etsy Queen,” to 50k followers and 4 million views the thought of standing up on a stage in front of strangers and speaking coherently made me want to hide under a rock. My mind raced with self-doubt and “imposter syndrome” - who am I to stand in front a class of artistic grad students dispensing business advice? I know online ecommerce, not artistic masterpieces. Would I even have anything valuable to share?


My finger hovered over the reply button, ready to politely decline. But a bigger part of me knew that these fears were the exact reasons I SHOULD accept the challenge. This was an opportunity to face my anxieties head-on and tap into courage I wasn’t sure I possessed. It could open up new networks and visibility for spreading my brand’s reach. Plus, it forced professional growth out of my comfort zone...which is often where magic happens.


I hit “Accept” before I could overthink it anymore. Now it’s real and I can’t turn back! Speaking to the Winchester School of Art students on March 15th will stretch me in ways I desperately need. And while simply thinking about it makes my palms sweat, I intend to push past the discomfort and give it my best shot.


I know rising to scary occasions has helped my Etsy shop grow bolder over the years. This lecture invitation seems like the perfect time to embrace that bravery once more - and hopefully inspire the artistic talent of tomorrow in the process. I’ll admit imposter thoughts still creep in...but growth demands ignoring fears and progressing anyway.


Wish me luck as I confront this next intimidating challenge! I’m sure the lessons of self-assurance I learn will only help strengthen my voice as the SJ Etsy Queen. More updates to come after I face my fear on March 15th! Stay bold, my friends.


If you are looking to step out of your comfort zone to stretch yourself personally and business wise, than my Crafting Queen Mastermind might be just the thing you need.  Final details to be confirmed but if you looking for the next step in your business and go to the next level, join the waitlist HERE.


If you're still looking for traction in your Etsy business, I'd recommend starting with one of the following:

1. → My Free Etsy WorkshopPerfect for you if you are just starting out on Etsy. Learn how you can turn your creative passions into cash to earn your first £1000 on Etsy.

2.   → Free Guide: The Ultimate Guide to Launching Your Own Successful Etsy Shop

3.  Join the SJ Etsy Queen Community:  Start your 14 Day Trial Today for Only a £1!

4.  → Access The Blueprint To A Successful Etsy Business:   Fast track your results to making more money on Etsy TODAY!


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